Year 5 (Attenborough Class and Gandhi Class)
Year 5 Classrooms
Year 5 Team
Year 5 Team (ID 1205)
Miss Coulson
Miss Coulson
Mrs Firth
Mrs Firth
Mrs Fuller
Mrs Fuller
Miss Barnett
Miss Barnett
Things to Remember
Children need to bring in a named water bottle every day and if they would like to, they may bring in a piece of fruit for a snack at playtime.
The children will have an opportunity to change their reading books on Mondays and Thursdays. Books must be brought into school every day.
Year 5 have a PE lesson each Wednesday. We ask that children wear PE kits to school on this day.
Home Learning
Throughout their time in Year 5, children are expected to engage in a variety of home learning activities which support them in knowing more and remembering more of the content we teach. It is also an opportunity for our pupils to develop their independent study skills in preparation for Year 6.
The children will be set an English and Maths task every week on Friday, which will need to be completed in their English Home Learning Book and their Maths CPG book. Every week, the English task will be to practise 10 spelling words. These books will need to be returned to school by the following Thursday.
We believe reading is the most important skill children learn during their time with us. In Year 5, we expect children to read regularly and for this reading to be recorded in their Reading Journals. Books are changed on Mondays and Thursdays.
Children have access to the online learning platform Times Tables Rock Stars which they can complete in their own time.