+ – Calculation Overview x ÷ Calculation Overview Skill Progression Fluency Skills
Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
We provide a rich mathematical curriculum, through which our pupils will become confident and resilient problem solvers who can explain their ideas and flexibly apply their knowledge in different contexts. We help children to develop their mathematical fluency so that they can rapidly recall mathematical facts and use them flexibly. Throughout lessons, children are given opportunities to discuss their mathematical thinking and reason mathematically. Lessons build on prior knowledge and children are encouraged to make connections with prior learning and between different areas of mathematics. We aim to develop pupils’ confidence in Mathematics and promote a culture where children are willing to have a go and feel confident to challenge themselves. Our Mathematics teaching encourages pupils to become resilient learners who can explain and justify their ideas. We aim for pupils to leave St Gabriel’s CofE Academy with a deep conceptual understanding of the fundamentals of Mathematics, preparing them for the next stage of their education and providing an understanding of the importance of Mathematical learning for their lives.
In Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, pupils have a daily Mathematics lesson and additional consolidation sessions. In consolidation sessions, pupils recap prior learning and also learn and practise new skills in order to develop their ability to apply their knowledge flexibly and select the most efficient methods. Mathematics is also embedded into parts of the daily routine where appropriate, for example during registration or whilst lining up. We have carefully selected the White Rose materials to support our Mathematics curriculum. During lessons, children will have the opportunity to practise and apply their new learning and make links with prior learning. Concrete resources and pictorial representations are used to support children’s understanding and are built upon as children move through the school.
Teachers use assessment for learning strategies to identify strengths and next steps for children and use the information from this to adapt teaching within and between lessons to ensure that all children are supported and challenged. Each term, we assess children’s learning in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 using NFER or SATs Assessments. We use information from these assessments to measure children’s attainment and progress. Teachers use the analysis of these assessments to adapt planning to meet the needs of their class. The teaching team use verbal and written feedback to support children’s progress. School leaders monitor pupils’ books termly and hold individual termly meetings with all teachers to ensure they are supported to provide a high-quality Mathematics curriculum. In addition, children’s views and understanding are ascertained through pupil interviews/surveys.
+ – Calculation Overview x ÷ Calculation OverviewSkill ProgressionFluency Skills
ReceptionYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6