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Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium grant funding is awarded to schools each year by the Government to improve the attainment of children who may be at a disadvantage to their peers for a variety of reasons. Funding is intended to help disadvantaged children overcome any barriers to learning that they may face so that there are no limitations on their progress. As an Academy, we direct funding to tackle barriers to progress and try to eliminate any attainment gap between eligible pupils and their peers.

Is your child eligible?

Schools are given pupil premium for:

  • Children who have qualified for free school meals at any point in the last six years. The school receives £1,385 for each of these children.
  • Children who have been looked after under local authority care for more than one day. These children are awarded a premium of £2,410.
  • Children who have parents or carers serving in the armed forces. The school receives £320 for each of these children.

Pupil Premium Strategy and Use of Funding

Schools are free to decide on the best strategies to spend the Pupil Premium to overcome barriers and accelerate progress but must consider evidence and research carefully when making their decisions. Our strategy for pupil premium spend is published annually and we also review the impact of the previous year’s actions.

Pupil Premium Policy

Pupil Premium Statement