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St Gabriel's CofE Academy

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At St Gabriel’s CofE Academy, our vision is that we are always:

Communicating Love; Inspiring our Community to Flourish


St Gabriel’s CofE Academy is built on an internationally important site for global communication. From this place, the world’s first transatlantic radio message was sent and for decades after, the mast site was a hub of communication. We seek to continue this tradition, reaching out to each other and the world, being open, welcoming and outward looking.


Represents the core value around which all our relationships and working is based. We seek to weave this into the fabric of our school, explicitly shown, sought and encouraged as our primary motivation for our actions. It represents our Christian teaching of God’s great love for all his children and is inclusive of those from all faiths and no faith.


Encompassing all aspects of our operation, our curriculum, collective worship, behaviours, and wider provision. It is the passion we have for seeing our pupils fulfil their potential and instilling in them a curiosity, love of learning and aspiration for their future which liberates others to do the same.


We are a family, sharing in each other’s joys, triumphs and failures. Working as a team, we take great care of each other and our wider families, achieving more collectively than we can apart. We look outwards, daring to be a force for good in the community we serve and are at the centre of.


Representing our deep desire to see our school and our pupils thrive in every way; to develop academically, physically, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally to be citizens in a future they are well equipped for. We are a pillar of our wider community empowering them to flourish as they support us.

St Gabriel’s CofE Academy will benefit from being part of a larger family of diocese schools with shared ethos, culture and values.

Theologically rooted vision

The school's vision is rooted in the teachings of the Bible. God's guidance for humanity as revealed through scripture permeates through the school bringing love, respect and a shared desire to love one another. To learn more about how God's teachings inform practice at St Gabriel's please click here.   

Action in the Community

Children at St Gabriel's proudly show love in the community during their own time outside of school.